A while back, I made my first bonus sweater, and I was so very pleased with the result that I announced my intention to make more.
But I never did.
For a period, one could argue that I wasn't doing it because I had burned through a sizeable quantity of my sock yarn remnants, and needed to build up supply before considering my next scrappy sweater adventure.
When I was stowing away my most recent sock remnants, however, I noticed my remnant bag is kind of full. Not full to bursting or anything, but pretty full. Maybe it's scrappy sweater time?
Here's the thing though - I've been playing with self-striping sock yarns lately. I'm not sure how suitable those would be for scrappy sweater endeavours.

So here's another thing: I am 45 years old. What does that have to do with anything?
It means that my childhood was the 80s, and my adolescent years were the 90s. It means that while I was not the most fashion conscious child, I still have a strong association between my childhood years and leggings, and I joined in with the rejection of these in the 90s - I spent my mid to late teen years in bootcut and flare jeans, then as I hit my 20s (late 90s) shifted over to those bootcut and flare legged dressy slacks. By 2000, I had developed a strong affinity for pants that offered some swing room around my ankles, and when leggings and jeggings started coming back, I turned my nose up at them. They were so 80s, they were so not my style anymore, they were obviously just a fad that would fade in short order.
Well. Fast forward to now. Skinny pants are still a thing - flares are back again, they were harder to track down for a bit, but the skinnies are still with us. During the pandemic, I was looking for new flared leggings and not having much luck, so I decided to try out some skinny leggings. And wouldn't you know it, I really like them - turns out it's kind of nice to not have your pant legs catching on random stuff as you walk around a cluttered room. So I bought more, and more - and so I bought some jeggings to try out, for those occasions where I really shouldn't just be showing up in leggings.
Turns out I like jeggings too. Except for the sock situation - my normal height socks are too tall to wear comfortably with jeggings. I think I need to make myself some shorties.
That pile of self-striping remnants is probably a good place to start.
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