Well hello there!
Pardon the dust and cobwebs - adjusting to a new work routine sort of destroyed my blogging habit. Truthfully, after spending hours working at the laptop, the last thing I wanted to do in my evenings was haul out my non-work laptop and keep clacking away - having a laptop open while sitting in the same chair just felt too much like I was still working, but also spurred some guilt because I wasn't actually working.
Still, I've found I've missed using this space - I initially thought that perhaps I'd shift over to Instagram, and I do enjoy scrolling through other folks' posts there, but I found I didn't post often myself because the emphasis there is on images or videos over text. Well. I'm not great at images. I've never tried videos, but given my track record with just photos, anything that involves an additional editing step before sharing seems like Not the Way for me.
I briefly entertained the notion of just blogging from my tablet or phone, but also shot that down pretty quick - soft keyboards aren't my favourite input device. Sure, it's okay for the short bursts of texting, but if I want to write anything beyond a couple of lines, I get tired of thumb typing pretty quick.
And then, the other day, I noticed a little bluetooth keyboard sitting idle - and realized that maybe it could connect to my tablet and I could have a real keyboard, but also not be tied to a laptop outside of work hours.
And here we are.

With a picture for good measure! (Hm. There was a trick to not having images centred without having the text fill in the space beside them. I don't remember what it was anymore. We'll see if I can figure it out later.)
I would like to be here more. I've missed using this space!
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