

It is June. JUNE.

My last post was in March.

Oh, hey there! Good to see you, were you wondering where I'd disappeared to?

So here's the scoop: I actually started a new job. It involved a complete pivot in my career path - I was in post-secondary education, and now I'm in HR consulting. Say what?

It happened like this. I was not on a tenure track, and it was becoming quite clear that I will most likely never be on a tenure track. That sucks in and of itself, but something else started happening at the same time - fewer contracts were available for me to teach, which means less money. I hit a point where I was facing a situation where I could not teach enough to earn enough money to cover my expenses, and that was not expected to change for at least two more years.

I was complaining about this to pretty much anyone who would listen. Just whining, really. But one of the people I subjected to this said, "You know, I bet your skill set would transfer really well to consulting. I know someone who is desperately looking for help - send me your resume."

So I did. And I got hired!

And I've been working like a crazy person ever since. For a little while, I was working two jobs simultaneously - I had to finish out the semester. But the new job ramped up once I was released from my old job - this was done deliberately, they took it easy on me for the first little while so I wouldn't completely flame out. But that brings us to the here and now. I'm still really busy - I typically work somewhere between 9 and 11 hours a day, five days a week. I'm in a role now where I have the luxury of deliberately not working on weekends, but I am keenly aware that project demands are really the deciding factor in whether or not I need to remain glued to my computer.

Knitting time has suffered some losses! But it's not completely gone.

I knit me some more rainbow socks!

Yarn: Sea Turtle Fiber Arts Ridley Sock, in Moody Bows
Needles: 2.5 mm / US 1.5

I am still deeply enamoured with plain stockinette socks. In fact, I'm halfway through another pair!

Oh, I also knit these:

But these were for my sister - the first of the two pair she was promised for Christmas. (I presented the yarn on the actual day.)

Yarn: Sea Turtle Fiber Arts Zebra Sock, in Bitch Please I am a Unicorn
Needles: 2.25 mm / US 1

So yeh. Knitting is still going on. Maybe not even that slowly? After all, I'm realizing I did finish up a new cardi for me too - but it still needs to be blocked, and then I need to sew a couple of seams and weave in some ends.

There's progress hiding here!
