I finished up my sister's 90s grunge socks.
And the mates for the two socks that are awaiting mates are well on their way - though I only have a picture of one of them. (What? The other one's all the way in the bedroom.)
Naturally, this means that I am also dedicating headspace to my next pair of socks. I pulled these candidates from the stash:
Yep. Lighter coloured yarns, speckles, they all call to me. So much for my previous thoughts about having more socks in darker colours. Now to figure out which one is calling the loudest.
Oh, and that collection? Those are my options if my 2.25 mm needles become available first. If it's the 2.5s that get liberated first, then I'll need a different set of candidates. As of this moment, that's a real possibility - that sock is a little further along. Maybe I need to do another little stash dive.
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