Nearly there

So last time I was here I had set myself some knitterly goals - to finish up two pairs of socks in progress, and one sweater in progress.

So far, one pair of socks is done - they were bound off on Christmas Eve, and so I got to wear them on Christmas Day.

Yarn: Sea Turtle Fiber Arts Zebra Sock, in Follow the Call of the Disco Ball
Needles: 2.25 mm / US 1

The sweater got done - I bound off the neck trim a couple of days ago. No pictures of that one yet - I've been hanging out in pyjamas a lot this week, and while I see nothing really wrong with wearing a scrappy sweater over pyjamas, I'm not sure the resulting style is helpful when I'm trying to present myself as not-a-crazy-yarn-hoarder, especially when the pyjamas I'm wearing are a onesie. I did get dressed yesterday, but it's been cold so I threw on a massive fleece sweater, and while the scrappy sweater does have positive ease, I don't think jamming it on over a giant fleece is going to help convince other people that the scrappy sweater plan was a success. So, to be continued.

The second pair of socks?

Well. I'm a little over halfway through the foot of the second sock? It's not midnight yet. I've still got time, and I'm optimistic I can get this done today and these can then be the first socks I wear of 2022.

Here's to goals, and getting things done, and ringing in a New Year exactly the way you want to. (We will be hunkered down at home with yummy food, entertaining things to watch on TV, and video games. I will be the only one knitting.)
