Yesterday, I finished off the second sleeve of a cardigan, seamed it, and wove in and trimmed all the ends.
Today it will go for a soak, then spread out onto the Not-A-Table to block, and I can add another finished sweater to my collection.
Which means I can now cast on for my stripey sock scrap sweater experiment. (SSSE?)
With all the teasers for advent kits and advent projects running around, it occurred to me that I could potentially do this as an advent sort of project - commit to knitting a stripe a day. I don't think I'll do that, though - I'm sure there will be days where I just won't be able to make the time to finish a complete stripe, and there will also likely be days where I want to knit more than just one stripe!
I'm eager to see how this pans out! I'm starting with the back piece - since it's the largest individual piece, it will eat the most yarn per stripe, so I'm thinking this will help me figure out yarn budgeting and planning. Maybe.
Am I about to knit the ugliest sweater? Let's find out!
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