Decisions, decisions

Last night, I kitchenered the toe shut on a sock.

These are plain stockinette Sister socks - or, well, they will be once I have the second one done. All I have to do is make it so.

I realized, though, as I reached for the yarn and needles to cast on again, that I could shake things up a bit.

I still have a second sock to knit for a pair of socks for me - a pair of speckled socks. Speckles are fun, and having another pair in the drawer is always a good thing.

Or I could shake things up even more, and wind up some new yarn for more socks for me. I have more rainbow yarn, and also more speckled yarn, both in this nifty Zebra Sock, which I am quite eager to try.

So what's it going to be? Which choice will win? The dutiful big sister? The one who wants a finished pair of socks for her drawer? Or the one who wants to play with the new yarn?

No, I'm not taking bets.
