Visibility is good

I've got three sweaters at varying stages of completion sitting here beside my chair.

One is tantalizingly close to being done. I've got a bit more sleeve edging to do, then I think I'll block it, sew up the side and sleeve seams, and then sew on and finish the neck trim. Yas.

The other two are, um, not as close to the finish line.

And yet, I am contemplating casting on something new. Because I have this.

What's this?  This is two 150 g cakes of my own handspun. My siblings got me a collection of solid-coloured spinning fibre for Christmas, which was turned over to me in July, since COVID cancelled our Christmas. I spent a little time sifting through the different colours - 50 g per colour - and grouping them in sets that I thought would look good together. Then I spun, and plied, and spun and plied some more.

Now I want to see how these knit up. I am thinking of putting these two together to make a huge shawl wrappy thing, one half in each colour.

I don't have a great sense of whether this will result in an appealing piece or not. To be perfectly honest, the orange-heavy one sort of reminds me of a traffic cone. But I'm going to give it a try anyway. I'm hoping for a delightfully cozy piece with a nubbly, almost tweedy texture.

Well. Maybe I'll try to finish one of these sweaters first though.
