So a little while ago I shared some musings about getting a new spindle for plying, after having a bit of trouble with my existing spindle.
I, uh, took things a bit further than that.
Um. Yeah. That's my spiffy new EEW 6.0 e-spinner, by Dreaming Robots. With, the astute will note, some freshly spun yarn already on it.
The perceived inefficiency of all the winding associated with use of the drop spindle is what pushed me in this direction. I've known for a long time that I don't want an actual spinning wheel - need to figure out where to store it, which means bringing it out when I want to use it, and, well, I know my laziness well by this point in my life. That scenario means no spinning would ever happen. This, though? This fits on a table top (or footrest top, in my case).An unexpected bonus is that the movement of the flyer generates a teeny tiny breeze - most welcome in the heat of summer.
So once I was up and running, er, spinning, I noticed how much quicker the process was without the winding step.
In a matter of days, I had three bobbins loaded up to ply together for a 3-ply. (Also - can you believe those three bobbins all came from the same braid?!)
And now I have this! An unknown length of sport-to-worsted yarn, with some particularly chunky floofy bits - hello, learning curve.
I'm not going to attempt socks with this batch - I think it's thicker than my previous attempt, and that was almost too thick, so I'm thinking a hat and fingerless mitts set for this. We'll see how the yardage works out!
But man oh man, is the e-spinner fun. I fully intend to burn through a few more braids in the next few weeks. Summer is for spinning?
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