I plied up what I'd spun, ahem, a few weeks ago now I suppose. And while novice spinner is still a novice, novice spinner is also learning.
I think I nailed a mostly sport-weight 3 ply, with some sections being fingering and others being DK. The first single was definitely underspun in spots, and generally not drafted as thinly as I'm aiming for, but the second and third were remarkably more even. Here, look closer:
Not too shabby, if I do say so myself! I didn't try to finagle the colour progression at all, and was actually hoping for lots of barber-pole mingling of the various colours - such is the charm of handspun, no? I understand that there are techniques and strategies a spinner could make use of to spin with a particular goal in mind as far as colour is concerned, and maybe I'll be looking into that to attempt self-striping yarns at some point.
For now, though?
I'm just pleased that I have actual yarn. How much yarn? Well, I don't really know. That little bulb weighs 58 grams, so I'm hoping it's enough for a single sock. I'm actually super curious about how it'll knit up, but I also wanted to spin up the other half of the braid so that I could, you know, knit myself a pair. But I haven't made much progress on that yet - I hurt my neck (it was stupid, I slept on it badly) and was worried that my posture while spinning might aggravate it. My neck continued to bother me for about a week and a half (I kept sleeping badly on it), but I think I've got things sorted now, and while it's still not completely back to normal, it is feeling much better. Maybe spinning will resume soon?
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