I snapped this picture yesterday, but the day got away from me and I never got blogging.
That right there is a complete first sock, and I'm on my way with the second. Note the date - today is 10 November. This pair is just coming together like magic. It's not even like I've abandoned all but the knitting - meals are getting cooked, desserts are getting baked, dishes are getting washed, my job is still my job, and I even vacuumed on Friday! I'm a little behind on laundry, but hey, pobody's nerfect, right?
The thing that's got me feeling pretty smug, though, is the fact that that picture isn't accurate anymore. I knit some more here and there yesterday, and now I'm just about ready to start the heel flap. I might even have a complete pair of socks before we hit the halfway point on this month! I'm starting to think I might be able to squeeze two pairs into November!
Slight problem: I don't have a yarn picked out for the next pair.
Um. I'll figure it out when I get there. Horse before the cart and all.
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