K'done: super late plain socks

My June socks are finally done.

And I'm even wearing them today!

Pattern: none, just plain stockinette socks worked over 64 sts

Yarn: Sweet Georgia Yarns Tough Love Sock, in Modern Mandarin

Needles: 2.25 mm / US 1

Despite these being done so much later than I had intended, I bear no ill will or grouchy feelings about them, and am very happy to add them to the collection, because we have shifted into sock-wearing season around these parts. Love me some plain stockinette socks.

Tech specs: used an Italian tubular CO, worked 11 rounds of 1x1 rib, then switched to stockinette for the leg. Worked a slip-stitch heel flap, but spaced the slipped stitches so that there were two plain stitches between, and then jogged these so that the slip lines drift diagonally along the heel flap, and reversed the direction of the drift for the second sock. (No picture - backs of heels are hard to photograph!) Placed gussets about two-thirds of the way down the heel flap, closer to the bottom of the foot, so that the fabric would sort of wrap around towards the sole of the foot. (I know, not easy to see in that picture.)

I also cast on for my July socks last night. Because, you know, if I'm going to catch up, I should probably get a move on!
