And there went summer


Whatever happened to July and August?!

Oh, I know - they disappeared into the void that was teaching a class I've taught many times before in an online only format for the first time ever. Thank everything I'm reasonably tech-savvy and was able to figure my way around things with a minimum of fuss, because it turned out I had to pretty much make all my assessment materials from scratch, which takes time. Lots and lots of time, and I even skipped the watching-a-bunch-of-tutorial-videos steps to make everything go the way I wanted it to. (As a side rant, there were a couple of times where I actually couldn't see the solution on my own and needed to consult the Google repository, and those videos clogging up my search results were rage-inducing because I didn't want to spend 10 minutes watching a video - give me a block of text I can read in 30 seconds and be on my way!)

As you might have guessed, not much has been happening on my needles, because typing and creating digital resources requires both hands. Colour me sad. Some stuff got knit, but not tons - definitely not a typical summer's output for me!

My June socks are still not yet a pair - I have one sock, and most of one leg of the second.

A sweater I thought I'd finish up is still largely the way it was when I decided to pay it some attention.

I started a pair of sister socks in August, and those are in about the same state as my June socks.

My July socks are a twinkle in my mind - I have the yarn chosen and wound, and that's all.

My August socks are completely nonexistent - don't even have a yarn picked out.

A pair of Mister socks are one complete sock.

And that would be my summer from a knitter's perspective. Such shame have I, I didn't even take any pictures to show you my pathetic output! Well, okay, I'm not actually ashamed, I've just been busy, and even now I figure I'd rather put my time into getting this posted rather than delaying for a day when I happen to have pictures. Maybe pictures will come, maybe they won't.

As for what's yet to come in 2020 - well, I am optimistic, but I'm not sure I have reason to be. I'm still teaching online this semester, which is great for commuting, but it means there will be more time sucked into the void that is developing materials - the courses I'm teaching now are not the same ones I taught over the summer, so all that previous work cannot be transferred over as a time-saver. Oh well. No one can accuse me of not earning my paycheque! (Not that anyone ever has. My paycheque is not very big.)

That being said, yesterday my sister reported that a sweater I knit her waaaaaaay back in 2010 has suffered some sort of laundry mishap, and is now shrunken and a bit felted. She felt guilty about having accidentally ruined it, but I'm pretty sure it's not a case of lack of care - she knows how to take care of knitted stuff - but just age and repeated wearings and washings taking their toll on the wool. Knitted stuff doesn't last forever. So I hauled out her sweater-batch stash, dumped it all in a spot on the living room floor where we can both see it, and had her looking at some patterns last night. She'll pick a pattern and yarn match, and then I'll be off and knitting.

Well. Winding. Order of operations and all.

I also spoke to her a bit last night about a sweater I started for her waaaaay back in 2014 that I want to rip out and reknit into something else. It started as a vest pattern that I was going to add sleeves to, and the body got all done, but I've been dawdling with the sleeves for far too long now, and she's developed some wool sensitivities over the past year or so, and so would strongly prefer a cardigan instead of a pullover. I want her to have a useful sweater, so the plan is to rip out what I've got, and reknit it into a cardigan.

I'm oddly excited about all of this. I think maybe it's been too long since a good start-from-the-very-beginning sweater knit.
