Streak broken

I was all on track to put together a post to keep the streak going. Look, I even took a picture:

But then, the day sort of got away from me, and once the streak was broken, well. Priorities get shuffled a bit.

That is how much sock I had done after reuniting that one temporarily lost needle with the rest - I think that shot was taken Thursday morning of last week? Either way, I have way more sock now - like, almost a complete pair! But it's super dreary in here today, so I'm not even going to attempt the picture. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Though I might have the second sock done by then - I'm about 10 rounds short of starting the toe decreases!

I realized I never did up a k'done post about the sweater I knit for my sister as a test knit. I guess I should do that! Though the pictures we took ended up not super awesome - I guess it was a weird day? The sweater has long gone home with her now, so we'll have to make do with what we have. Maybe I should start having her strike interesting poses. Not catalogue-esque poses, but, you know. Something other than her arms straight down at her sides?
