Not quite k'done

I finished up the socks for Mister's mother - her Christmas present - but don't have pictures because I just couldn't be bothered to take any.

Because I thought I should try to bust a move to get Mister's latest pair of socks done in time for his birthday. Not that they were his official present or anything - we actually have a long established pattern of not really getting each other gifts, mostly because we're both terrible to shop for. If he wants something, he will scour the Internet for a sale, spend the time to establish that he is getting the best value for his money, and then make the purchase. I, on the other hand, seem to not feel strong wanting urges until I stumble upon a sale, take a look at what's on offer, and then decide that yes, I would like the things, and then I buy them. I guess neither of us really buys into the romance of the surprise gift.

Either way, the official day was yesterday, and today, the socks look like this.

I'm about two rounds away from starting the toe, so he'll get them soon. Just, you know, not on his actual birthday.

I'm also starting to worry about finishing my March socks in, well, March. Today is the 27th. That means there are four days left after today. I have one complete sock. While part of me is quite sure I can pound out a sock in four days, another part of me is not-so-quietly pointing out that I was unable to crank out most of a sock in three days. Sure, the sock for me is smaller than the sock for him. But I also had the ribbing done when I decided it was time to bust a move.

And I, um, still don't really know what I'm doing for April, sock-wise. I should probably figure that out soonish.
