Life in the time of COVID-19

Hope you're safe and healthy, wherever you are!

We are safe and healthy here, for the time being. Last weekend the province went into unofficial lockdown mode - all face-to-face classes, from kindergarten all the way up the chain to all post-secondary as well, were cancelled in favour of shifting everything to online learning for the remainder of the school year. So this week has involved a lot of scrambling on my part to get everything ready for that. Luckily, I run my classes pretty digitally - I've already got course material organized on PowerPoint slides for in-class presentation, so that's pretty easy to transition to online delivery. Converting assignments, quizzes, and tests, however, was more labour intensive, and it needed to be done to keep my classes on track, as they were all scheduled to write tests this week.

I'm out the other side now - well, I still have some marking to do, but actually most of that has been squared away at this point as well. The huge improvement in commute times - I wake up, get ready for the day, and then head downstairs to my chair and laptop - means I can squeeze more work time out of a day. Which is great, because I've needed it with all the extra prep work that's had to go down! Mister is also working from home this week, and will be for the foreseeable future, so I don't need to shuttle him around either - but now I make him lunch at home, which cuts into my day, so maybe my overall hours of productivity are about the same, just shifted around a little? In any event, so far, things are okay - different, and I need to get used to lecturing to my laptop, which is really weird, but overall I think the transition's going well enough.

I'm still knitting, but honestly this past week has been sufficiently hectic that I haven't had as much time with the yarn as I'd like. I do have a finished sweater to show off - a test knit, so maybe I'll have to wait until the official pattern release, but I can tease a little, right?

I've also made progress on Mister's mother's Christmas socks - about to turn the heel on sock #2 - and my March socks, well, they were deprioritized to get that test knit done by the deadline, and then I thought it would be a good idea to make some headway on the gift socks. Don't worry, the first sock is well on its way - I just turned the heel last night. I think I should still be okay to finish by the end of the month?

On Monday, I had been thinking that working from home might mean more blogging time. So far that has not happened, but it's been a week. Maybe next week will be better?
