I haz a plan

Probably a great many dangerous events start with a sentence a lot like that. I don't think danger is a consequence here, though.

I have a fair bit of sock yarn in the stash. Which to my mind is pretty fantastic, because I absolutely love handknit socks. Except I've noticed over the past few months that I love some handknit socks more than others - I particularly love plain stockinette socks. I reach for them first. Not only do I love wearing them, I've noticed over the past year that I also love knitting them, probably because I can cruise along and read or watch something as I go, which makes for a particularly zen relaxing time.

So I like them a lot, but I don't actually have many pairs. (Fine. At present I have six pairs of plain stockinette socks.) This is problematic, because I don't do laundry frequently enough for those six pairs to carry the load, as it were. So other socks are frequently and routinely pressed into service, and really, it's fine, except I always have a little slump of disappointment as I'm dressing when I find I can't wear stockinette socks.

Also, remember how I was saying how I have a lot of sock yarn in the stash? I think it's high time to make use of some, and thin down the herd a bit, make room for newcomers. You know how it is.

So I went through my holdings, and picked out a few skeins, and created Rav project pages for them. I have six set up. The idea is to chug along, not in a monogamous all-socks-all-the-time kind of way, but I'm hoping to maintain a decent level of productivity. I think I'm hoping to average out at about a pair a month, but I suspect that will wax and wane with my enthusiasm and attention to other projects as they come up. By the end of 2020, though, I should have a pretty decent collection of my preferred style of handknit sock, and have made a goodly dent in the sock yarn stash.

Which is great, because I may have done some Black Friday shopping at Knit Picks, and those newcomers I was talking about making room for earlier? Some of them have already arrived.

I might have gotten the order of operations a little out of whack there.

But no matter. Let there be (stockinette) socks!
