Looking a little nervous

The shawl continues:

After the second or third batch of the lace, something in my head about it all clicked into place, and now I don't need to consult the pattern anymore, which is great, since that means it is now pick-up-whenever-I-want knitting, which, for me at least, is always far more productive. I can fit it in whenever, and it just gets done. It's not very often that I'm able to set aside a chunk of time as dedicated knitting time, more often I'll find myself doing something, realize I don't really need my hands for whatever it is, and reach for the needles.

My confidence from last week about the ultimate dimensions of this piece has waned somewhat. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be a usefully-sized piece, but last week I was hoping that it might maybe be possible to get all five repeats of the motif in, with some sacrifices made to the picot bindoff and final garter section. I can see clearly now that five full motifs is just not gonna happen - what's in the picture there is approaching the end of repeat #3, and that's colour #4 that's now providing the working yarn. (Well. Almost. It's joined on, but I'm not actively knitting with colour #4 just yet - there's another row or two of colour #3 still to go.)

Time-wise, though? I'm laughing. This pattern goes fast - I don't feel like I've been pounding away obsessively on this, and yet looky there! Very nearly 60% of the way done! I'll totally have this done before April comes.

Will I have it blocked, though? Can't give away an unblocked shawl. And it'll need a day or so to dry, so it's not like I can just block it on the day. A thought has just occurred to me - what day of the week is 2 April? Is it on a weekend? I might need to have this sucker done early if that's how the celebration scheduling pans out.

Okay, now I'm not laughing so much anymore. 'Scuse me, I have an appointment with some yarn.
