Looking good

So I've been putting in a few rows on the gift scarf here and there over the past couple of days.

As you can see, I've already blown through the first of the five mini skeins. That being said, I've also passed the point that marks out the first full repeat of the pattern - at this point, I've nearly reached the end of the second repeat, and I'm still on colour #2. The pattern tells me I need to do five of the pattern repeats in total, then do a bit of garter stitch before binding off. Part of my brain is whooping, Yeah, only five repeats? And the first one got done with the first colour with yardage to spare? This'll be totally fine! That part of my brain is not very smart, because she's forgetting that the rows get longer as the scarf goes on. The repeat-to-skein correspondence will change accordingly, and at some point I won't be able to even do a single repeat with one mini skein.

Right now, though? I'm staying cautiously optimistic that the scarf will wind up a wonderfully respectable size. I'm also starting to relax a bit and feel pretty certain about getting it done in time. After all - I'm more than 20% of the way there, right?
