Consider the evidence

In my house - in a box in the basement, I'm quite sure, and I think I even know which box - is a fancy piece of parchment that proclaims me to be pretty smart. It marks the culmination of my post-secondary studies. (I have a digital image of this parchment saved on my computer. On those low days when I'm feeling particularly worthless, I actually open it up to look at it and reassure myself that really do have value.) Now, to be perfectly fair, the document is written in Latin, because I went to a school that does snooty things like generate all the degrees in Latin, and I don't know Latin, so I can't literally read what's written there, but I get by okay in French, and French came from Latin, so I'm fairly confident that this parchment doesn't have any words like idiot or sucker on it. It is my piece of firm, undeniable evidence that, at times, my brain works pretty well.

I'm glad I have it, because, well, no matter how well my brain might work sometimes, it definitely doesn't fire on all cylinders all the time.

Remember how last week I went to the bank to try and have some feature added to one of my accounts, and ended up having to make an appointment for this week? Well, I went back, and got it done, and then completely failed to make use of that new feature when I did my RRSP contributions yesterday evening. I didn't see it right away, and figured it must not have had time to be fully processed in the mysterious system of the bank. Turns out I needed to click through the different fund options a little more. Oh, well, at least it's set up for next year?

Today, I knew I was planning on marking some tests for a good chunk of time (like 3 hours), and marking can be pretty dreary and soul-sucking, so I thought I would buy myself some treats to help bolster my will to live. I got myself a large hot chocolate and three mini apple strudels from the Tim Horton's on campus. I thought about also getting a toasted bagel to serve as a sort of lunch, but then figured the calorie count on my treat and abandoned the idea. (I'm trying to lose ten pounds. My strategy so far is just wishful thinking, worrying about calorie intake, and getting grumpy over how many calories are in the things I want to eat. It's not going particularly well.) On the way home from work, I heard my stomach growl and briefly wondered why I was hungry. Duh - satiety and calorie intake are not related. My intake for the day was mostly liquid and sugar.

I've been doing this teaching gig for over ten years now, and marking has always been a part of the job - and it's always been my least favourite part of the job. It's taken me this long to figure out why it's so terrible - it is BORING. Mind-numbingly boring. If I am tired, I start nodding off while I am trying to mark. I cannot believe it has taken me this long to figure this out.

Remember how I bought some Sweet Georgia Yarns sock yarn in their grab bag sale two years ago? (Oh man, I thought it was just last year, but I just double checked and it was totally 2016.)

This pile of awesome? How much do you think I've knit up since it came to live with me?

That's right, none of it. Not a single skein has even been wound up. So when I got an email notifying me of their grab bag sale for this year, what did I do? Did I remember I still have that whole pile waiting for me?

Well. Yes, I remembered, but apparently that means nothing, because five more skeins are now in my collection. It's already too dark for pictures here today, so I'll try tomorrow or over the weekend.

Good thing I'm not keeping a running tally of these things.
