And then?

My sister's magical rainbow stripey socks are done.

I know - that picture isn't exactly awesome. My sister wasn't here when I took it, and I didn't want to ram them onto my own feet for pictures - not that there's anything wrong with that, and goodness knows I've done that before - but I wasn't feeling it on Saturday (Sunday? or maybe even Friday?) when I did the half-hearted photoshoot. I'll hopefully be able to get some nice shots next time she wears them. After all, taking pictures of someone else's feet is way easier. The trick is her getting here before it gets too dark, but that should gradually be getting better too, as the planet tilts its way back to longer daylight hours. We'll get it done. Eventually.

In the meantime, I'm also approaching the finish line on Mum's birthday socks:

These are mostly plain stockinette, with a cable whacked into them. The cable is placed to be asymmetrical on the socks - shifted more to the left of centre on one, and the right of centre on the other. The cable is similar to the cable detail from Parcel, but isn't an exact replica, I don't think - I didn't dig out the pattern to do it, I just sort of winged it in a way that I thought would get me what I wanted, which was a cable that looked like a length of two gently curled ribbons, twining around each other. I finished the first sock and was pleased with what I'd done, but didn't want the second sock to be an exact copy of the first. I didn't want to actually mirror the cables either - I wanted the curl to go the same way, but still not be like what happened on the first sock, so I jogged the pattern a bit. Where the first sock had the ribbons travel to the right out of the ribbing, the second sock had them go to the left.

This had the result of making me think I'd somehow messed up the pattern, or had done something strange in setting up the first sock's cables that I hadn't recreated on the second sock. (Naturally, I never jotted down what I was doing, so I couldn't consult my notes.) I knit along for a good long while quite certain that I was somehow working a different cable than what I had done before, never mind that it felt exactly the same. Only once I had a goodly amount of the leg knit up was I able to do a side-by-side comparison, but with the cable pattern synced back up:

See that? The tops of the socks are no longer aligned, but now the cables look the same. Freaky, no?

I'm a bit anxious to get these done. I can tell, because I'm already thinking about what comes next.

Socks for me? If yes, more magical self-striping yarn? Or do I reach for that red cake on the right, which is a delightful MCN? I haven't played with a yarn with cashmere content in a while, and it makes for some pretty luxe socks.

Or have I hit sock saturation for a bit, and should instead work on a sweater for me? I'm finishing up a sleeve cap on one in the background of my life - it still needs the pieces blocked, and seamed, and then the neckband and button band knitting, but more sweaters are always good. (Oh, and there's the sleeve lengthening I need to do for my sister...)

Then there's shawls. I haven't knit a shawl in ages. Actually, that's a lie - I finished one for my sister a few weeks ago. I haven't knit one for me in ages. Maybe that should be next? Or one for Mister's mother, who will be having a birthday in April? (Hmm, early April. I should maybe talk to him about that. Might need to bust a move on it.)

So many choices. What would you do?
