A great big plan

I'm still here. In the chaos of an unpacked and super cluttered house, waiting for the new-to-me house to be ready for us to move in. Trying very hard not to remember that the original estimates for moving in were for December of last year. (Well, honestly, the guys figured end of November, but even I could see that that was a pipe dream.)

And I have so far successfully not cast on something new - all my yarn is still contained within the cabinet. And, um, its boxes. In fact, I'm even thinking of taping up the boxes, moving the cabinet yarn into more boxes, and then taking it all over to the new house and just sticking it in the basement for the time being. The idea is to try to move as much of our stuff as we can in small trips, and the yarn is sort of the most pleasant stuff to consider doing this with, since everything else will require some sorting and organizing.

I haven't yet finished up the two sweaters for my sister, though. Largely because I've been spending more time surfing the Rav pattern database looking for things I want to make with the yarn I already have, because the budget constraints of our current housing situation mean I really should avoid buying more for a little while, and one of the Mister's friends came by last weekend and happened to see the yarn cabinet and exclaimed, "That's a LOT of yarn!" Which means I caught a bit of grief from the Mister. I better knit the stash down a bit.

So, I've firmly told myself that once we've moved, and the semester has wound up - which might happen at about the same time - I'm going to treat myself to a lot of knitting time. There are many things I'd like to make.

1. Oblique, by Veronik Avery

2. Atelier, by Heidi Kirrmaier

3. Forest Park Cowl, by Liz Abinante

4. Winter Sea Shawl, by Liz Abinante

5. Morrígan, by Beata Jezek

6. Windward, by Heidi Kirrmaier

7. A yet-to-be-determined laceweight shawl, to be a Christmas gift for the Mister's mother

8. Six pairs of socks - TdS 2015!

9. A couple of sock design ideas I've had that I want to play with.

Phew. Now that I've written it all out, it's quite the list. With no items for my sister. Probably a couple of those will get added at some point.

Getting through all of this in one summer is most likely a pipe dream, too.

Ahem. Challenge accepted.
