Patience is a virtue

And we all want to be virtuous, right?

I know. I haven't been here in over a month. What can I say - December happened, as it always does. In my line of work (teaching at a university), December means final exam season - so the first week is spent frantically trying to tie courses up in tidy packages, then we move on to the crush of preparing, invigilating, and marking final exams and submitting final marks. As that's going on, there's the holiday season to prepare for - trying to get cards out on time (I got mine done, except for one for a friend that I thought I should write a little note to go with, and, well, the card is still sitting on my living room table and the note still doesn't exist. Whoops.), organizing gift acquisition, wrangling the wrapping in time for the gatherings at which gifts will be exchanged. Plus the actual get togethers. I was a bit lucky this time around - our house is still a disaster zone because the renovations at the new place still aren't done (but they're close!) so we're still here surrounded by boxes, which means people are not really expecting invitations for large holiday gatherings. So I didn't have the additional layer of meal planning/prep/cleanup to worry about.

Now, we're out the other side, the end of the renos is (sort of) in sight, and I have a plan.

Remember how I mentioned being mildly obsessed with a shawl? Oh, you know, in the last post I made before this one? Well, that obsession still lingers - so far I have successfully avoided casting on - but it's been joined by a couple of other projects I want to make. (Okay, fine. Three. Another shawl, a cowl, and a hat.) I'm still trying to hold off on casting on something new for myself until we get settled at the new place, and that seems to have turned my desire into something just shy of desperation. It's taking a whole lot of willpower to not yank several skeins of yarn out of the cabinet and start winding like crazy so I can cast on like crazy.

What am I doing in the meantime? Well, lucky me, I have a couple of sister sweaters in progress - one that I'm really enjoying, and one that is in sleeve purgatory. Sigh. I may make better headway with the latter in the next little while, because I'm starting to think it really really needs to get finished - not just because I'm sort of mentally done with it, despite the fact that it still needs an entire sleeve in addition to the one that's mostly done plus the neckband and hem ribbing to be done once the front panel is seamed in, but also because one of the projects that I sort of desperately want to start in on is a hat for me, and I want to use the DPNs that are currently in service for the aforementioned sleeves.

I'm trying very hard to be made of stuff stern enough to not just yank the needles from the sleeves so I can make my hat.

This is proving to be especially difficult because the yarn for the hat is actually wound up. I got it out and ready for use because I thought I would need it for a contrast hem and neckline for a sweater I finished up just before the calendar rolled over. (I do hereby solemnly promise to blog it once it's been blocked.) I ended up ditching the contrast idea, but the yarn didn't magically re-skein itself, so there it sits, all ready to go, strongly suggesting that it would make such a cute hat.

I may have to hide it away in the cabinet. For now, sister sweater sleeves should be my destiny.

For now.
