Winter wrap-up

Ahem. Hello there.

Apparently, it's now December.

Apparently, I didn't finish any knits in November. Hmm. Actually, I finished a pair of mittens for my sister. But I'll share my mediocre pictures of those another day.

Today, I want to talk about this urge that hits me every year.

I think I've mentioned the flip side of this urge - the whole New Year, New Knits idea that knocks me over, telling me that it is super appropriate to start a new project on 1 January. That idea is always accompanied by a couple of others. The big one is the one that says it would be super appropriate to finish up as many in progress things as I can by 31 December. The little one that is sort of a variant of the big one is that I shouldn't start any big projects in December - where big is loosely defined as something that I don't think I can bash out by 31 December.

So I sort of glanced around the yarny piles around here, and realized that really, there isn't much on the go. I've got a sweater for my sister in the works, a shawl for me, a pair of sister socks that needs the heel and foot of the second sock, and a cardigan for me that needs sleeves.

So, even though it has just gotten super frigid here - spring is definitely not arriving tomorrow - I have a little plan in the back of my head for my own version of the winter wrap-up. With how crazy December always is, it's unlikely I'll actually get through everything in that in-progress pile. I think two is a reasonable goal, though.

This winter wrap-up urge may also be driven in part by the stash enhancement that seems to happen at the end of November. There are two incoming batches this time around - one has already landed - and there's actually now a plan in place to venture out to pick up a tall, narrow cabinet to put in the bedroom. This will be my yarn closet. It is probably a good idea to limit my stash enhancement in such a way that all my yarn must fit in my yarn closet.

The thing is, I'm not terribly sure that everything I have now will fit the new yarn closet.

Watch this space. There may be pictures!

Well, don't watch too closely. End of semester, I may drop off the face of the blogosphere again.

Maybe a good strategy would be to just come back around 20 December.
