Today is not a hot day, in the grand scheme of things. The weatherman has forecast a high of 25 C today, which isn't blistering. It's quite pleasant, really.
That being said, when I woke up this morning, the house was oddly warm. The thermostat said it was 25 C inside.
Suddenly, picking up my latest sweater adventure - a pullover worked in DK weight merino/cashmere/microfibre blend - seemed folly.
So I dug out some light fingering weight merino/tencel yarn and cast on for a new shawlette.
And pondered a bit how weather inappropriate my knitting tends to be. It's June - not typically that hot around these parts, but a definite improvement over, say, February - and I've got a wool pullover on the needles that needs only a sleeve and a half and a neckband before it can have its ends woven in and be blocked and called done. I'm pretty sure I won't actually wear it until September, maybe not even till October. And over the weekend, I knit up a hat that, again, won't see any use for several months.
Others are knitting lace, or crisp summery cardigans in cotton or silk, and here I am, playing with wool.
Well. The next few days are supposed to be cooler and rainier. Maybe I'll get this sweater finished up?
Of course, in all likelihood, I'll just cast on for another one, despite the heat.
Or maybe I'll go on a shawlette and sock tear?
That being said, when I woke up this morning, the house was oddly warm. The thermostat said it was 25 C inside.
Suddenly, picking up my latest sweater adventure - a pullover worked in DK weight merino/cashmere/microfibre blend - seemed folly.
So I dug out some light fingering weight merino/tencel yarn and cast on for a new shawlette.
And pondered a bit how weather inappropriate my knitting tends to be. It's June - not typically that hot around these parts, but a definite improvement over, say, February - and I've got a wool pullover on the needles that needs only a sleeve and a half and a neckband before it can have its ends woven in and be blocked and called done. I'm pretty sure I won't actually wear it until September, maybe not even till October. And over the weekend, I knit up a hat that, again, won't see any use for several months.
Others are knitting lace, or crisp summery cardigans in cotton or silk, and here I am, playing with wool.
Well. The next few days are supposed to be cooler and rainier. Maybe I'll get this sweater finished up?
Of course, in all likelihood, I'll just cast on for another one, despite the heat.
Or maybe I'll go on a shawlette and sock tear?
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