The way things are going

Well, yesterday I managed to completely wrap up my end-of-semester work, and today I did a bit of housekeeping around the office, getting old exams moved into storage for the requisite year before they can be shredded, stashing away old unclaimed assignments, and I also did a bit of preemptive work for a class I may be teaching in the Spring session, which starts next week.

The notion that this is the time for finishing things has trickled over to other areas of my brain too. I've got a new sweater that is nearly done - I've got to figure out what exactly I want to do about the neckline finishing. See, the pattern was written as a cardigan, but I've pulloverized it, and in doing so I put in a V-neck. I'm pretty sure I want to put edging on the neckline fronts, and because of how I want it to all come together I think I have to make them taper down to the point of the V, but how exactly I'm going to work that out is still a work in progress. I still have to kitchener the underarms, so maybe I'll do that while I think about that neckline treatment.

Or maybe I'll put some more energy into finishing up one of my current pairs of socks. Admittedly, part of the drive in this department stems from a desire to cast on new socks - I'm having thoughts of stripy stockinette socks, but not achieved through colourwork. I have a pretty strong preference for semi-solid sock yarns, but I do keep some variegated ones on hand for when the urge hits, and, well, it's hitting. I've got to decide which yarn is going to satisfy, and free up some sock needles so I can actually do it - I've only got two sets of 2.25 mm / US 1 DPNs, and they're both in service right now. I am onto the foot of one sock, and it happens to be a second sock, so finishing that will free me up to start a new sock, and I'll have a new pair of socks in the drawer.

I've also got some yarn wound up and ready to go for a super secret stealth project with a deadline. While I'm not terribly concerned about being found out here, I'm going to play it safe and withhold details for now.

And I've cast on for a shawlette for me.

And I'm trying to settle on which sweater for me I want to pull from my queue next.

Gotta go. The fingers are itching for some yarn and needles.
